Friday, September 11, 2015

Fresh Vegetable Market

Okay, it wasn't really a market. Just a few vendors on the side of the street, but the produce was fresh from the farm, and organically grown. I can't wait to eat it!

 Shopping with Kristina, Kiku and Kalia at the fresh veggie/fruit vendors. They sell right in front of Kristina's apartment.
 Playing at the park on the way home. Kiku and Kalia (or Elsa and Anna as they were having us call them) are learning to be great sharers :) 
My delicious produce--the lettuce was 1,000 won (which is less than a dollar), tomatoes 3,000, mushrooms 2,000, cucumbers 2,000, nectarines 5,000 (fruit was expensive, but it looked so good!), and the yellow mystery melon was 1,000 won. I think it was about $12 total--much better than the grocery store prices, and much fresher too.

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