Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cousin Time!

 One of the biggest blessings of being in Korea is to live just 5 minutes away from Kris and Curt. 
This was having Sunday dinner at the Magleby's on the 22nd floor. The view from their apartment is amazing! 
Kalia, McKay, Miya and Kiku
 Kalia and Kiku
 Annabelle is a cute puppy. I love that the kids can play with her, and I do not have to be a pet owner. It's a win-win.  Thanks, Kris and Curt :)
 McKay, Kalia, Felicity, Kiku and Eva gathering leaves at the embassy housing. 
We are in temporary housing right now (a 3-bedroom duplex), and will be moving into our permanent home (4 bedroom home with a fenced in yard!) mid-September. We can hardly wait to get settled.
Cute kids! 

The weather has been hot and humid since we arrived, with a few huge thunderstorms to cool things off. I've heard fall is beautiful here, with every shade of changing leaves abounding. We can't wait to get out and hike one of the mountains surrounding Seoul.

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