Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fireworks, dinner parties and cutie pies

 Well, a month has flown by, and we are now mostly settled in our permanent home. Can I get a sigh of relief? We have our very own Honda Odyssey so we can get around in style, and most of the pictures are hung on the walls. It feels so good to be settling in. Time to post a few pictures of our adventures in Seoul!
Last Saturday we went to the International Fireworks Show in Seoul with Kristina and Curt and crew, and Curt's parents who are in town visiting. The Embassy Association had organized a group, took reservations so I was under the impression that they would have a reserved area all laid out for us. We planned to walk from the base down to the Han River and watch the fireworks and then walk home, so that we wouldn't be stuck in traffic or anything crazy like that.

Well...because most of the 25 million people in Seoul had the same idea, we were walking along crowded sidewalks and through tunnels with a mass of humanity that made me claustrophobic beyond belief and scared to death that we would lose one of our kids or get trampled. Seriously on the way home we were packed so tightly in a tunnel, with people pushing and shoving around us that I was fearful of a stampede starting. Luckily we made it out just in time before I couldn't take it anymore. 
 I forgot my good camera, so I only had cell phone pics to document. The fireworks were beautiful, but so not worth it.
 The kids had fun laying on the blankets and steamrolling each other, and eating the snacks we all brought. I don't think they watched the fireworks at all :)
 Looks like fun, right? Next time we will just go to a park far away from the fireworks and just let the kids play.
 We had Sunday dinner together at our house and love our new house and having enough space for a big party. I think we had 23 people all together and didn't feel too crowded.
This is the kid table.
 The teenagers ate out in the backyard.
 And the adults got the formal dining room.
 My little movie star, on our way to the library. She just looked so cute I had to take a picture of her. She obliged by pushing her sunglasses up on her forehead and posing for me. 
So grateful I get to hang out with Kalia during the day! 

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