Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kalia's 1st bday!

Kalia turned one on Sept. 19th, 2013
Since our family tradition is breakfast in bed, we brough Kalia a bottle in bed. She was sound asleep when we came in and I think we scared her to death.

 Then we went down to the kitchen for some french toast
 Kalia's not walking yet, but loves to stand by the couch
 Kalia also loves to lounge on the couch
 Our neighbors gave Kalia the cutest tutu and headband
 We all enjoyed cake and ice cream together. Kalia thought Ty's face was hilarious!
I wish my hair would grow...
Kalia did a good job enjoying her cake

 Kalia loves her new baby doll. She hugs her and pats her back in the sweetest way, and snuggles with her to sleep.
Here is the birthday girl the next day. 
What a fast year it was--Kalia brings so much personality and joy to our family.


Emily and Seth said...

what a cutie! great pics! She looks so grown up. that's good she's standing now, its only a matter of time. John just started waking with his push toy today! I can hardly believe it

Holly said...

She's a doll! I can't believe she is 1!

Angela said...

So cute!