Saturday, October 12, 2013


We ran a 5K as a family, with our good friends the Searle's. It was a brisk, early morning, but such a great experience. The kids all did great--I was so proud of them!
 Ty came in second overall, with a time of 19:48, Shayla and Tyler came in at 30:57, Garrett at 25:05, and Grant, Kalia, Miya and I finished at 34:54. It was such a great feeling!
 Kalia was such a good sport--I woke her at 6am and she and Miya rode in the jogging stroller the whole way.
 After the 5K the kids lined up for the fun run--I made them do it because they said they were handing out medals to all the kids. I thought a medal would be a great souvenir for their amazing race and i was pretty excited for them. Well, the medals turned out to be the cheap plastic kind that you buy at the dollar store. We had a pretty good laugh over that, but hey, the kids did awesome on the fun run :)
The kids with their medals, and the superheroes who chased them on the race.


Emily and Seth said...

Love it! So fun! What a family. And we love the pics of the kids on the side! Good blogging Lani!

Angie said...

Congrats Ty -- 2nd overall!! You are quite the athlete!!! And that's amazing that everyone ran it...