Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm back!

Now that the kids are all settled back in school, duty is calling me to post pictures for all of our family that live far away. So, not quite sure how to catch up from almost a year, off, but here goes:

 Kalia is almost one! She loves her bath, always trying to grab hold of the water stream.

Yesterday, on Patriot's Day, Kalia crawled for the first time!
She is very proud of herself and so fun to watch her wobbly arms and legs propel her forward.
 Miya loves to take pictures with my cell phone
 Kalia loves to feed herself--the floor does not look pretty after mealtime, but Kalia's smile does.
Kalia loves her baby dolls--she sleeps with them and give them hugs and kisses.
That's all for today--more to come!

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