Friday, July 27, 2012

They're home!!!

Welcome Home!!! Garrett and Grant getting reacquainted  with Nana and Grandpa. 
Thanks to Skype, the kids felt like they had seen their grandparents on a regular basis. Even Miya who met them in person for the first time ran right in and gave them both a hug.  It was a sweet reunion after being apart for 3 years.
We loved hearing about their mission and seeing the slideshow that their missionaries had made for them when they left. They now have about 400 more kids in their family :)

Celebrating Rob's birthday on the 5th with a cake made by Hannah and Shayla.
Happy Birthday, Rob!!!

Special treats from Colombia...
 Appetizing, aren't they?!! The kids were brave and tried them--then they found out they were giant fried ANTS! A delicacy in the northern part of the mission. I was not so brave to try one...
 This is what happens when Grandpa makes breakfast--chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!
Cookie Crisp, with chocolate marshmallows, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, chocolate whipped cream swimming in chocolate milk. The kids were in heaven!!!
 Everyone ate their breakfast that morning :)
 Christmas in July with Nana and Grandpa. The kids are holding up their Tagua seeds from Colombia.
 Hannah on her baptism day--it was a beautiful day and such a neat baptism. 
We are so proud of you, Hannah!
 All the boy cousins
 Tyler--notice his stylish boot? His back has been feeling so much better lately that he has taken up running again. The only problem is that he got a stress fracture in his foot and now has to wear the boot for 4 weeks until it heals. No fun.
 Lots of competitive games of Bocci Ball in the backyard...

Grandpa and Miya had a lot of catching up to do.

Dance party with the kids--so fun!
We had such a fun time--the kids were depressed for a few days after we got home.
Especially Garrett. In his nightly prayers he would ask for help not to be sad because he missed his cousins and grandparents so much. It was so sincere and sweet.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Im so glad you were able to come out! We miss you already! These are great pics! So many fun memories!