Friday, July 27, 2012

odds and ends...

There is so much I'd like to blog about, but I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water just LIVING all of these experiences each day. Maybe someday when things slow down I'll go back in time and archive more of these event.
For now, I'm just going to post a smattering of fun pictures and events that have happened in the last 6 months or so. Enjoy!

 Ty was introduced to the sport of Lacrosse this spring by a good friend and instantly became a fan. It is part hockey, part football and very fast paced and physical. What's not to love about it? 
 Grant graduated from preschool in May 2012. Here he is with Ms. Angie.
This preschool was nicknamed "the farm" preschool and it's name did not disappoint. 
Everyday he got to help feed the goats and chickens, go for a hike through the woods and climb the best climbing tree a kid could imagine. He had such a good time and did great!
 Ty performing in his last elementary school concert. 
They were singing Oklahoma and even did some square dancing--I loved it!
 End of the year field trips--this one I took Grant and Miya to. It was a little town that had been restored to what it was like 100 years ago. Miya loved the old schoolhouse.
 Garrett, Grant, Miya and I after our picnic on the field trip.
 Shayla played traveling soccer this year and enjoyed it.
She had to give up gymnastics though, and is excited to go back to it in the fall.
She still spends time every day working on her back handsprings and flips on the trampoline.
She is SUPER excited about watching gymnastics on the olympics this week! (me, too!)
 My good friend painted this tree on the wall of our nursery. I love it and can't wait for our little girl to see her new room.
 Grant's first track meet! He did such a great job--everyone in the crowd kept pointing at him and marveling at how little he was, yet how fast he was running.
He didn't quite know what to do with the attention when people would walk up to him and tell him "great job!" He did a great job staying in his lane and loved everything about it (except the starting gun--it made him jump every time :)
 The fruits of his labors
 Shayla is fun to watch--she has great form!
 Ty, Shayla, Garrett, Grant and Miya. They had a lot of fun and each improved their time.
Ty and Garrett participated in the 1 mile run and got 5:56 and 7:32, respectively.
Too bad I can't run as fast as my boys!
 Soccer was fun--the weather was beautiful so it was fun sitting out watching them play
Grant loved his first season of soccer. Whenever someone on his team would score a goal he would run around the field high-fiving everyone and whooping it up like they had just won the world cup.
I love sports the best at this age!

Okay, next to come...
pictures of our basement-finishing project. It is coming along great and we should be finished in a few weeks.


Holly said...

You guys are always doing so many great things! Im so glad you posted these. Our kids love to see them too! Love the runners!

Emily and Seth said...

You're nursery is so cute! I love it. Thanks for posting all these pictures even though you're so busy :) Sometimes it's just more important to live life rather than document it all the time.