Friday, July 27, 2012

Memorial for Grandpa

In June we went out to Chicago for a memorial for my Grandpa Wagner.
We had a great BBQ in the park with lots of water, games and great food and family.
All of the grandkids. It was so fun to see how quickly they bonded and became best buddies, even though it has been years since we have seen some of them.
At Grandpa's graveside we all took turns sharing special memories of him. It was a special time and I'm so grateful for my Grandpa and his great example of living life with no regrets each day and making his family the center of his life.
The kids all signed a balloon that we released into the sky to send to Grandpa.
Saying goodbye from the hotel.
Kris and Curt and their cute kids came to visit us, which made saying goodbye a little easier. Eating second breakfast with the gang. 
Curt, Ty and Garrett soaking up the sun at the St. Croix River
Grant, Shayla and Felicity
McKay grabbing a nap where he could
Super Curt!!!
We had so much fun visiting and meeting little Kiku. She is such a sweet little baby!
Come back soon--we miss you!!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

So fun to see your side of the family and all of the cousins!