Thursday, January 19, 2012

Merry Christmas 2011!

 Christmas Eve cookie making and delivering
 Miya was Mary for our Nativity--she was so tender with her baby Jesus.
 Celebrating with our good friends Jim and Cindy
 Tracking Santa on the Ipad... the excitement was building...
 Christmas morning--the kids woke us up at 5:59 (they were supposed to wait until 6--not bad:)
After Church on Christmas Day. Notice Miya's red lips--she was loving her red chapstick she got in her stocking. We had a lovely program with lots of Christmas music--it was such a great way to focus on the true meaning of Christmas (even though Grant, Miya and Garrett all fell asleep by the end of it). I wish we had a church service every Christmas.
So I was a slacker mom and forgot to take pictures the rest of the day. Needless to say, Santa found us this year and the kids enjoyed lots of presents and playing with their new toys all day. 
Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

These are so cute Lani! I love the last one with all the kids in their Sunday best on Christmas day! I'm with you, wish it fel on sunday every year.