Wednesday, January 25, 2012

catching up-Miya's 2nd birthday (Nov. 30th, 2011)

 Breakfast in crib - when we walked in with her tray, Miya popped up and started saying, "Mine! Mine!" as she grabbed the items off of the tray. Yeah, she is 100% a two-year old.
 The delivery crew
 Birthday pout--I think someone snitched something off of her tray.
 Miya is a chocoholic! Hence the chocolate-chocolate cake (modeling her new birthday dress from Grandma. As soon as Miya tried it on she started spinning :)
 Big eyes!!
 The fork is optional
Miya with her new puppy!!!
Happy Belated birthday, Miya!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Breakfast in guys are awesome!