Thursday, January 12, 2012

Grant Funnies and back to blogging (maybe)...

Okay, so I know it has been forever. We've been a bit busy with life. But i do miss blogging--it is a great outlet for things I need to say, and I know the grandparents would love to see photos of the kids, so here goes!

Just had to start by recording this conversation i had with Grant a few days ago. We were reading in the Book of Mormon, Jacob 2:18 But abefore ye seek for briches, seek ye for the ckingdom of God...

M: So that means that we need to keep the commandments and follow Jesus' example first, right?
G: Or we could just stay home and still be Christopher.
M:, do you mean Christian?
G: oh yeah, that.

(p.s. my kids have struggled lately asking about their friends who don't go to church. they somehow thought that if they didn't go to church that they were bad people or didn't believe in Jesus. So we've had several conversations lately about how there are good people who believe in Christ in EVERY church and who don't even go to church who still are Christian. Some of my best friends are not of my faith and are amazing examples to me of living a Christian life and truly following Him. So, I guess i still have a bit of explaining to do with Grant before he gets it. But I did laugh the rest of the day about this one :)

1 comment:

Laura Hyde said...

what a cute moment! I read your post and was hoping you would write a book called "every conversation you need to have with your child". I'm sure I have already missed a lot of important ones...

glad you're back blogging!