Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wagner Reunion

From the race we went on to the Wagner Family Reunion. Your thinking right now, 'will their vacation ever end?' I know, we were traveling for 2 weeks and it was great.

I didn't get photos but the kids enjoyed relay races with their cousins, and the adults got into the fun as well. 3-legged, gunny sack, running races--you get the picture. Good clean fun. Tyler and I were pretty sore from our race, but managed to compete in the 3-legged race without falling over :)
Picnicking out on the deck
Weeding and mulching Grandma's yard
Giant freezies after--perfect refreshment!

Garrett on the slip-n-slide after the work day
Curt & Eva
Hadley, Sarah & Ty soaking up the sun
Grant, McKay & Grandma Jeena at the pool
Swimming at the Lindon Pool. The community pools in Utah are more like what water parks were when I was a kid. Do I sound old?
Oh how I miss the mountains

Rock Band!!! The kids were so glad Ricky brought the band--they loved it all from the guitar, bass, drums to singing they jammed out.
We had family photos taken at a beautiful home close by. Only problem was Miya threw-up when we were getting ready to go. I think she was on her 3rd outfit by the time we actually took the pictures...looking forward to seeing how those pictures turned out. This was Miya after the pictures-just having fun playing.
Big helpers Garrett and Hyrum
We had fun visiting the Art and Bean Museum at BYU, and of course enjoying creamery ice cream.
Almost all of us

Garrett & Hyrum catching a ride from Laura and Jacob

It was such a great reunion--so fun to see everyone. Can't wait until the next one!

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