Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm grateful for my family today (and everyday). I love laughing at my kids all day--they are so funny. And although Tyler and I collapse into bed exhausted on most days, I'm so grateful we get to do this journey through life together.

I always hear the saying "family first," and I've been seriously questioning it lately. I know that sounds bad, but with Tyler being the bishop, sometimes I feel like our family comes last and everyone else in the ward comes first. But the Lord has been patiently teaching me that the service that Tyler gives to others is really service to me and our family, too. It is shaping him into such an amazing husband and father and example for our kids to follow. And I am amazed at how tirelessly he works, with a smile on his face, happy to serve. I know the Lord blesses our family in ways that I don't even understand, because somehow with all the craziness I still feel like I get to spend quality time with Tyler, and that the kids make the most of their time with their dad. Like last night how they played football in the backyard together. I wish I had taken a picture of Grant's little legs as he sprinted across the yard with his dad blocking all of his siblings so he could score a touchdown. I'm grateful for memories like that, and for blessings which seem to pour down faster than we can receive them. Counting them is hard work :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Thanks Lani! You always look at the glass half full!