Tuesday, August 23, 2011


 On Saturday Aug. 13th, 2011 Ty, Shayla and Garrett competed in their very first triathlon. They swam 2 laps, biked 2 miles and ran 1/2 mile. They did amazing!!!
 Getting pumped up before the big race--they were nervous and excited and ready to go. We had been training by biking and running around our neighborhood, and swimming at the YMCA.
 Here is Garrett in the pool for the swim--I didn't get many pictures, mostly videos. 
 Shayla right before her heat started...I loved watching her swim. She was pretty nervous about the swim, but once she started she loved it. She did mostly the backstroke so I could see her face and she had a smile on it the whole time.
Ty actually took 1st place in his division (10 and under)!!!
All of them did their very best and really pushed themselves.
We were so proud of them!
If you'd like to see more pics, click on this link:http://gallery.me.com/briteideaphoto#100784&view=mosaic&sel=0


AmyJo said...

That's awesome! Way to go Ty, Shayla, and Garrett! Maliya is doing her first tri in a few weeks, she is excited! I am just not excited about training with her in this awful heat! And...I still think you deserve a special mother award, even if you misplaced Grant for a bit :) It is bound to happen at some point, right? :)

Angela said...

Love how active your whole family is!