Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tackle Football!

Ty is playing tackle football! 
 Funny but when you look at him you see the top picture, I just see this. 
My baby, playing tackle football. 
Just to put my mind at ease, they passed out "how to spot a concussion" papers at the first parent meeting. Thanks a lot.
I told Ty I may not be able to attend his games.
Ty has been waiting for this day for a long time...on the drive home from evaluation night where he got to tackle in full gear for the first time, Ty said, "That was the most fun EVER!!" His smile says it all.


The Wilsons said...

Oh, my. Good luck, Mom! :) (LOVE the baby pic!)

AmyJo said...

So fun! Dallin is playing tackle football this year too and I'm not sure what I think :) He is loving it though, so that makes it fun. I wish it wasn't so dang hot here, I feel bad for them playing in the heat! Have fun Ty, I bet you're great!