Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Mom-of-the Year-Moment

So I know I usually post all the good stuff on my blog, but in wanting to keep it real I thought I'd post my real-great-mom moment I had at the triathlon. The purpose of this post is to make you feel good about yourself, so enjoy!

So when we got to the triathlon for the kids, Tyler took Ty and Garrett in through the boys locker room, and I was to take Shayla, Grant and Miya through the girl's to get to the pool. Well, Grant was being a bit stubborn, and didn't want to go in the girl's locker room. After finally convincing him to come with us, he came in the locker room door, but refused to go into the bathrooms with us. I was pretty frustrated with him and feeling a bit frazzled, wanting Shayla to be out to the race in time and all...So I took Shayla to the bathroom and thought Grant would just follow us. After finishing up in the bathroom we exited the locker room out to the pool area and sat down on the bleachers to wait for instructions. I was looking around, taking in all of the race day excitement, feeling as nervous as the people actually in the race, when a lady walked in the pool area and began asking parents if they had lost a little boy with dark hair. She actually asked 1 or 2 parents before she got to me, and I was about to say no, when I realized that I DIDN'T HAVE GRANT WITH ME!!! I ran out to the lobby with the lady and saw Grant standing there with a bunch of adults around him. He looked mostly mad, and just a little bit scared and lonely. I tried to give him a hug, but he just shoved me away, I thanked the people who found him (just inside the girls' locker room door) and walked back into the pool area.

When Grant was finally talking to me again, he sat on my lap and I asked him where he was. He said he was waiting by the door 'cause he knew I'd have to come out that way. He looked so little and innocent and I felt so bad for misplacing him. I thought, what kind of parent loses their child and doesn't even realize it?!!? Lucky for me, Grant is a pretty forgiving boy, and after a few minutes all was back to normal.

So, this was a first for me. I mean I've lost a kid before, but I've always been franticly searching until I've found him or her. This is a new high--I'm just waiting for the phone to ring for the "mother-of-the-year people to interview me :) On the bright side, I didn't lose Shayla or Miya, so really 2 out of 3 isn't all that bad, right?!

1 comment:

Angela said...

You didn't loose him, he just didn't follow!