Friday, August 26, 2011

Curly Girl

My naturally curly hair has been a blessing and a curse my whole life. I love that it is relatively low maintenance and that I don't have to do much with it, but I sure wish I could have a change of style every once in a while. It's just too much work to straighten it though. I've tried before getting it cut in cute straight styles, but I only fix it straight the first time or two and then I'm back to letting it stay curly. My hair just wants to be curly, so I let it. We are both happier that way.

Recently my hairdresser told me about a book, "Curly Girl," that has changed my curls for the better. The secret for curly hair is...
That's has been 42 days and counting since I washed my hair. Before you get all grossed out, let me explain. Instead of using shampoo, I just condition twice. The first time I use the conditioner like shampoo and massage my scalp really well. After rinsing I condition again, this time letting it soak into my hair, then rinse like normal. That's it--it is so simple, but it has made my curls much less frizzy and more manageable. I'm even thinking of growing my hair out to see how it looks long now that I know this secret.

If you are a curly girl reading this and want to try to kick the shampoo habit, be patient. Give it a full 3 weeks with no shampoo before you decide if you like the results or not. When I hit 2 weeks of no shampoo I almost caved because my scalp felt itchy, and i kept thinking my hair must be stinking by then (Tyler assured me it didn't, but I didn't really believe him :)  But once I hit the 3 week mark I was sold. I use much less product now and don't fight the frizz like I used to (well, at least not as much). What have you got to lose? Try it and you'll be a believer!
 Photographic proof: I don't have a good picture of me, but this is the most recent one. After a day of playing water baseball my hair would normally be frizzing out like crazy, and be 3x's it's normal size. But with the curly girl miracle, it's not too bad (all things considered :) 
Totally unrelated, but I thought Miya's wet diaper sag was impressive :) 

What are your hair secrets?


Nettypg said...

With one daughter having curly hair, I am going to give this a try with her! I don't have curly hair, but all of Dan's sister's do.

Thanks for the advice!


Natalie said...

i've heard about this book/idea and there are girls in my ward who swear by it, too. hurrah for curly hair girls!

trever.lesa said...

This totally works. It's what I do for Marlee. I do shampoo her hair sometimes, but she's 2 and gets so much into her hair. But we only shampoo when we absolutely have to get something out of it and it's a special shampoo. Your curls are gorgeous.

Angela said...

Ok so what if your hair is wavy/kinda curly? Not beautiful curls like yours but still have to take tons of time to straighten it..

Holly said...

Your hair looks so beautiful Lani! I have tiny amounts of natural curl, I wonder if it would work for me? I'll have to give it a try.