Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I love seeing the world through a baby's eyes. Grant was discovering that you can't grab a stream of water.
This photo needs no explanation--you all know that face. I figured I needed some black mail for Grant's teen years, so i couldn't resist snapping this shot.


Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

That photo is hilarious! You have some serious blackmail for the future!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen that face around my house in years! I snorted I laughed so hard! You've got to blow that one up to poster size for show on his first date!

Jacques & JoLynn (Dad/Mom) said...

I thought I posted a comment about this picture earlier but it didn't show up. So if you get two, sorry.

The picture of Grant is so funny! They just work so hard:) They are all getting so big! Hope to see you soon.

AmyJo said...

I love that you took that photo! So funny!

Angela said...

First picture so cute, second one so funny!

Steph said...

Your pictures so "capture" the moment...hilarious! I pity poor Grant in 15.5 years when those girls come banging on the door...

Natalie said...

Leilani, that was so funny! You're my kind of mom!

Katie said...

That would make a great picture for Mike's Drs office someday!! Too funny. We laughed so hard.
It is so good to catch up with you guys and see that you are doing well. We miss seeing you.
The Shermans

My Many Coloured Days said...

Looks like our babies are at the same fun "stages"!!! Great capturing of the moments! So fun!

My Many Coloured Days said...

ps - who says the 4th gets gypped on photos?

Angie said...

Lani your photography is amazing! I love your timing, you always seem to catch the kids' personalities with your pictures!

PS This does not refer to Grant's second picture...I don't think that captures his personality, just a great laugh!

Danielle and Derek said...

We got a good laugh over Grant's "pushing" face. Great idea for future teasing - I'll try to remember to snag a blackmail picture for myself!

Holly said...

I thought about your cute pictures tonight when I put my kids in the tub. They grow up too fast.

Seth Jenson said...

Cruel mother! Haha. Your blog is a lot of fun. I wish you guys lived closer. :)