Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Comments are back on..

Thanks to some feedback from Ang, I found out I had accidentally disabled the comment feature. Yeah, still trying to figure out this whole blogging world. But I love your comments and feeling a bit more connected to the people I love--comments are back--keep 'em coming.


Holly said...

I know you don't know me, so it's weird that I am commenting on your blog. I just moved here from Utah a couple of weeks ago and started a blog and named it "Bloom where you're planted", I decided to google that phrase and found your blog. We live in Apple Valley and are also LDS. Where do you live? you can look at my blog at:
Anyway, small world, huh?

Steph said...

YAY! I was wondering if it was something I said... I will go back and comment on the Garrettisms page- that was way funny!