Friday, February 18, 2011

Shayla's baptism day

Shayla was baptized on Sat., February 12th by her dad.
It was a special occasion and we were so glad my mom could be here to share it with us, and felt all of our family here in spirit.

I made Shayla's dress for her. She loved it and looked so cute in it. I was fully prepared to go out and buy her a dress if it didn't turn out (most of my sewing projects never see the light of day) so I was happy with the results!

Shayla celebrating with a few of her friends after the baptism. She was just beaming and so happy. She said she was so nervous before the baptism she thought she would throw up, but after she came out of the water she felt so happy. I am proud of the decision she made to be baptized and feel that she is truly taking it to heart.


Shawny said...

LOVE her dress. So simple and beautiful! I wondered where your mom had gone. I'm glad she could be there.

Emily said...

The dress is perfect and the girl is pretty wonderful as well!

AmyJo said...

Beautiful dress, good job! Congrats Shayla! What a special day!

McKell H. Costa said...

You did an AMAZING job on the dress! If it were my size I would wear it! What a special day!

Angela said...

COngratulations Shayla!

Holly said...

She looks so beautiful! Shayla's baptism has been all the talk around here! Hannah has been so happy for her as she looks up to Shayla so much!