Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday Boy Garrett!!!

February 24th was Garrett's 6th birthday. He started off his day with crepes in bed.

He was out cold when we walked in--usually the birthday person is anxiously awaiting our arrival. Look at that tired face :)


After presents we celebrated by playing basketball at the church. Parents vs. kids. Miya just chased us back and forth on the court kicking her volleyball and laughing. It was awesome! Until she got tired of that and wanted me to carry her. Then I wasn't much help to my team. I thought the parents won, but the kids thought they won...hmmm...

Nilla wafer banana pudding cake.

Friday night Garrett had a friend party-10 wrestling boys running around the house. Two hours seemed more like four but Garrett had a great time :)

Garrett is really into Legos

My basketball pinata was too wimpy or the boys were too strong. They didn't want to be blindfolded, so they were really wailing on it. The second boy broke it, so the rest of them just got to hit the remains of the pinata hanging there. Luckily they seemed just as happy to hit the broken pinata as the full one.


On a side note we just had parent teacher conferences and G's teacher said what a great kid he is. He is a friend to all, great listener and participator and always does his best. We feel the same way about our Garrett and are so glad to have him!


Holly said...

Happy Birthday Garrett! Your breakfast looks absolutey amazing! Yum!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Garret! Sounds like a fun day.

Emily and Seth said...

Happy Birthday Garrett! Lani, you guys are so brave to have such big friend parties. I am sure it is all the experience you have raising your own clan, you can handle large numbers.