Thursday night we got a phone call at 10:03, just as we were drifting off to sleep. It was an automated call from the school district telling us that school would be canceled due to a lack of teachers and not enough substitutes to cover for them. Are you kidding me?!
The teachers were striking (or calling in sick) because of a bill the Wisconsin state government is trying to pass which will require teachers to actually contribute to their pension plans, and that they pay 12.6% of their health care benefits. Currently they pay nothing into their pension plans and receive their health care for free--no monthly contribution. Even after this bill passes, they will still pay only about half what the average american pays for their monthly health benefits. This bill will save the state approximately 300 million over the next 2 years and will help as our new governor and legislators try to balance the budget which is 3.6 billion in debt. Pres. Obama has criticized the Wisconsin State government, even shipping in protestors to Madison to show his disdain. Obama said, "And I think it's very important for us to understand that public employees, they're our neighbors, they're our friends. I think everybody's got to make some adjustments, but I think it's also important to recognize that public employees make enormous contributions to our states and our citizens." Governor Scott Walker has responded to the criticism, "I think we're focused on balancing our budget. It would be wise for the president and others in Washington to focus on balancing their budget, which they're a long ways from doing." I wanted to stand up and cheer when I read that. Hooray for Gov. Walker!!! Way to stand up to the President.
So, what have the Democratic legislators done to show their disapproval of the bill? They ran away. They crossed the border into Illinois and are hiding in Chicago so that a vote can't take place. Does this sound a bit cowardly to you? Governor Walker isn't a coward. He has sent the State Troopers after these representatives to bring them back. That is why they crossed the state line. So comforting to know the kind of people who are making decisions for us.
Now, don't get me wrong. My degree is in teaching, and I have much respect for teachers and the teaching profession. It is one of the hardest jobs out there, with countless hours spent preparing lessons, grading and going the extra mile. It is a job that could never be 8-5, as a teacher is always working on his/her curriculum and thinking about how to best teach it to his/her students and get them excited about it. Teachers should be appreciated and respected and paid to reflect their performance. But since they are government employees and the government budget is over-stretched, they have to make sacrifices just like the rest of us. I don't know anyone who works for a private company who gets free healthcare and a free pension/401K. They are required to contribute their portion to both and that seems logical. Shouldn't the government employees be required to do the same?
So far we haven't heard anything about if school is cancelled tomorrow or not. It is President's Day and Tyler has the day off, but for some reason the school kids don't. As we are in the middle of a winter storm (supposed to get 12 inches or so) maybe we'll have a snow day tomorrow and make everyone happy.
So I'll get down off of my soapbox now. I just had to vent, and I hope I haven't offended anyone. It has been exciting seeing teachers out picketing and hearing how passionate people are about this issue, one way or the other. Tyler and I went out to eat last night and halfway through our meal some people came in with signs supporting Gov. Walker. I think one of the signs read, "Your pension=my money" It sure adds some excitement to our quiet town, and I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring.