Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Last night was Ty's first track meet. You would have thought it was the Olympics he was so psyched about it. Even though it rained off and on all night, everyone had a great time. He competed in the 100, 200, 800 meter dash, softball throw (discus), and long jump and earned three 1st place ribbons, and two 2nd place. Way to go, Ty!
Checking out the competition

Shayla, Garrett and Grant entertained themselves with their own races!


Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

é uma família de vencedores.....

Danielle and Derek said...

I love the cute running pictures. Great job, Ty! Congratulations on baby #5 - how exciting! And your new summer haircut looks great. Good times.

Angela said...

Love love the picture of Ty looking over his shoulder at the competition! Ha ha so funny!