Friday, June 19, 2009

Shayla's cute new hair

Shayla decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love--here are the photos!

(notice the missing tooth and the package of bubble tape she bought with her tooth fairy money :)
Going, going...
Shayla with one of the four ponytails she donated. I love her new haircut! And she was happy thinking someone in need would have a wig of her hair.


. said...

How awesome. If I ever could grow enough hair to donate, I'd copy you. That's so cool!

Seth Jenson said...

Wow, that's a whole lotta hair! Those Wagners. I tell ya.

Chellers said...

Yay! She looks adorable---long or short. I'm thinking of doing the same soon...

My Many Coloured Days said...

What a great example you are. And lucky girl has her mom's hair and beauty that allows you both to carry off any length!

The Wilsons said...

What a great experience for her...and she's so cute, too!

Angie said...

Shayla's hair is so beautiful! I can't believe how long it got, and how much it looks like yours. Hmmmm...I almost think that's you sitting in the hair dresser's chair!

Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

Wow! Look at all that beautiful, thick hair! I'll bet her head feels a whole lot lighter. I'll bet her heart did as well.

Laura Hyde said...

I hadn't realized her hair was so long before!!!! It is adorable now, but what a gift!

I had so much fun visiting with you. Thank you so much for getting us all together Lani. Your kids are adorable - physically and their personalities! They are so like your siblings. So nice, so social, so fun to be around, so friendly. They inherited great qualities from their mom...and dad of course. :)