Monday, June 1, 2009

Belated Mother's Day Gratitude

I am so grateful to be a mom. And so grateful to have such a wonderful Mom and Mother-in-law, and good moms around me to watch and learn from. My cute husband and kids spoiled me this mother's day with breakfast in bed, flowers, chocolate, homemade cards (my fav!) and notes, and did I mention lots of chocolate? Could the day be any better? We had dinner with some friends and Tyler made everything so I could relax and enjoy being spoiled.

I am so grateful for Tyler. He is so good to me, and so thoughtful and patient, especially through my various mood swings :) He makes life exciting and is always making up some funny song about everything. On April Fool's Day I was trying to sneak food coloring into the bottom of the kids' cereal bowls to turn their milk each a different color, but the kids woke up too soon and I was about to get caught, when Tyler stepped up with an impromtu song and dance number to distract them out of the kitchen. It makes me laugh everytime I think about it.

The icing on the cake this mother's day was being pregnant--knowing that we will have another little one join our family in the next year makes my heart smile. So, there you have it--baby number 5 is due on Dec. 1st. And this time we are finding out what it is, so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am so excited for you guys. You make such cute babies! :)

The Wilsons said...

Congratulations!!!!!! How exciting! And it sounds like you did have a marvelous Mother's Day--good for you! I'll be excited to hear what Darling Baby #5 will be...

The Boswells said...

Wow, that is great! 4 kids and still a mother's day like that and a baby on the way, I can't think of a better Mother's Day.

Emily said...

Leilani, you are seriously one of the best Moms ever. I hope you have 20 kids because kids deserve a mom like you. Throw in the song and dance from Tyler and you've got yourself the complete package.

Chellers said...

Hooray! Congratulations on the baby news. That's so wonderful. I hope we end up in the same area of the country again someday and we can catch up in person. Until then, thank goodness for blogs!

Holly said...

Woohoo! So happy for you guys! I was just loving reading this sweet post and then to find out there is another cousinon the way!!!!Yeah! What a fun way to find out! I lvoed hearing Tylers singing. Make sure he keeps singing around that orange:)

Angela said...

YEAH! Congratulations, that is so exciting. I bet Shayla is pulling for a sister! SO Why on number 5 are you going to find out?

Kenna said...

Holy Moly! That's so exciting! Congratulations! More power to you - the step to 5 is a huge one, I don't think I will be able to make!

Jan said...

Wow, 5 kids! Good for you! You are amazing. Congratulations.

Nettypg said...

Congratulations! How exciting, good luck with baby number 5. We wish we were there. Take care.
Annette & Family

Seth Jenson said...

How'm I ever going to catch up to you guys if you keep having kids!! Congrats. :)