Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

Playing catch up seems to be a theme in my life...
So, Happy Thanksgiving!
We had such a nice day, shared with family, friends, football and lots of good food.
 This was our gratitude tree everyone contributed to--thanks to Shayla for making it for us!
All of the kids pitched in and were in charge of a project each--Ty made the creamed corn, Garret and Grant the cranberry sauce, Shayla the favors and tree, Miya helped with pies and Tyler made the stuffing and gravy. I made the ham and turkey and rolls and friends brought the rest of the feast. 
 I gave my camera to Garrett and Shayla and this is the best we got from the day...
 Grant and Spencer
 Eli, with his parents Natalie and Tyler in the background
 Carving the ham

 Relaxing and waiting for the food...
I wish I would have gotten a picture of our feast, oh well, next year.
Some of my favorites from the grateful tree are "funnynis, hot showers and a prophet."
We are grateful.

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