Sunday, January 5, 2014

Miya's birthday!

 Breakfast in bed for Miya, who turned 4 on November 30th, 2013. I asked her the next day how old she was, and she replied, "Mom, I know I had my birthday, but I still feel like I'm 3." That's exactly how I feel--still feel like I'm 20-something, yet, somehow I'm older...
 Ty reading The Three Musketeers to Miya and Garrett
 Miya requested an Oreo Mint Pie, just like one we had at Thanksgiving. She is my chocolate-loving girl!
 This is Miya's first party with friends, and she loved the girly-princess time!

Miya is our little sunshine--she makes us laugh all day. We love you lots! Happy birthday, Miya!

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