Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Yesterday Governor Scott Walker won the recall election and gets to retain his seat as Governor of Wisconsin!!! We are celebrating today with red, white and blue jello :) 

We proudly displayed a yard sign supporting Walker until it was stolen one Sunday while we were at church. So we ordered 3 more, gave one to our neighbors, replaced our own sign and kept a back-up sign in the garage just in case.  

One sign that made me laugh was the "Recall Santa" sign. I agree with the sentiment. I think a recall election should only be held if there is a moral conduct issue, or major breach of confidence. When we differ with our elected officials' policies, we should surely make our voice heard but wait for the next election to vote for who we think would better serve our community. Walker was recalled because of outrage over some of the cuts made to teachers and state employees. He reduced the collective bargaining rights of unions and required teachers and state employees to pay more towards their health insurance and pension plans. This has already happened in the private sector so I feel that the cuts he made were very reasonable, but the unions thought differently. 

This recall election has cost over $63 million, which is such a waste of resources. It could have helped reduce our debt considerably and all of the time and effort that has gone in to campaigning could have been better spent focusing on the current needs of our state.

But now it is behind us. Scott Walker is a fearless leader and wants what is best for Wisconsin. He has reduced our state budget and seen a drop in the state unemployment rate since he took office. He has made history as the first governor in history to win a recall election (there were only 2 others and they both lost). He has made some tough decisions that have pointed us in the right direction and I applaud him!!!


Emily said...

We were thrilled with the outcome as well. Congratulations to Wisconsin!

Nettypg said...

We were thrilled with the outcome when we heard it, even though we don't live in Wisconsin anymore!