Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation Fun

As a kid we went to Yellowstone National Park almost every summer. My Grandpa Wagner would come to visit and we would pile into the car for a week of camping in the Park. I loved the animals, geysers, mudpots, the camping. Well, at least that is how I remember it now. So when Tyler suggested we drive through Yellowstone on our way to Utah, I was excited. The kids loved it and can't wait to go back.
Shayla enoying the mud pots
Hard to see, but there is a brown bear eating a deer carcass in the forrest. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip :)
Garrett posing for a photo
Waiting for Old Faithful in the rain. I was amazed at how punctual Old Faithful was--I could take a few lessons from him
What is it about the buffalo that I love so much? It's like a creature from early american history has just stepped out of a book for us to enjoy up close and personal.
Notice the rainbow in the background--there was actually a double. It made the rain well worth it.


My Many Coloured Days said...

If you ever go through again let me know... we live an hour from the park!!! We would love to meet you there or have you stay with us! Glad you could relive some of your childhood.

lani said...

I had no idea!! I guess I should have known that--we drove through a good portion of Montana. Such beautiful country--now I know why they call it "big sky country" :) We would love to meet up with you guys next time we go. Your kids are so grown up--I love peeking in on you on your blog.

Angela said...

love the family photo!