Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catching up

Before Christmas we traveled to Cleveland to be with my side of the family. We had so much fun being together. Everyone was there except Jacob who is serving a mission in Manchester England, but we were able to call him for Christmas and talk with him and hear his Brittish accent and vocabulary. It was smashing and jolly good fun!

Garrett building his own wooden toy at Santa's workshop (which happens to be in Kirtland, OH--who would have thought!)

Hyrum working with his elf on his wooden toy

Tyler made this rocking horse for Miya

Hadley and Shayla painting their identical twin horses

Grandma and Felicity working with their own personal elf

The Magleby's all getting in on the fun

Grant milking a cow--we each got a turn. I felt bad for the poor cow as we all lined up to take a turn milking it.

Meeting Santa right in the train station. Shayla was worried about his authenticity--no worries, Shayla, Santa has lots of helpers.
Traveling on the train--kids were exhausted

Grant and Hyrum both caught a nap, too

Garrett and Hyrum wearing matching outfits given them by Grandma

Waiting for the train in the snow. It was so beautiful! We even took advantage of the snow and went cross country skiing one day. It was so fun I want to buy skis for the family--I'm hooked!

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.
Sarah, Kris and Ang
Heber Tate's blessing day

Garrett and Uncle Curt at the Bishop's Store House, filling Christmas food orders.
Definitely a highlight of the trip. The kids loved it and so did I.

Shayla loved the clipboard and bossing Uncle Ricky around :)

Hadley and Ty filling the frozen foods orders--we were supposed to be meeting everyone at the nursing home but we couldn't tear them away!

Christmas caroling at the nursing home--highlight was when one of the staff requested the Grinch song, and Kris performed a great impromtu performance "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch..." It was awesome!

This is what the kids thought of caroling

It was such a great trip, and even though I'm 2 months late, I wanted to post a few photos. Merry Christmas in February!


Holly said...

Looks like you had so much fun! How cool that the kids got to work the bishops storehouse too!

Angela said...
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Angela said...

Looks like a fun trip!

Emily said...

Wow, what a great time...even better that were all able to make it!

Margaret said...

Those memories will always be their for your kids, and what fun to help us remember the fun things of Christmas in February.