Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Birthday Girl!

Miya celebrated her 1st birthday on November 30th, 2010!!! So, I'm really late, but had to put up a few b-day pics anyway.
Birthday girl, Miya!!! She loved opening presents.

Her birthday cake was a different story...

She didn't want to touch it and get her hands dirty, so she decided to use her face to eat it :)

Licking her cake-yum!

She liked it, so she dug her face in deeper...

She ended up with frosting all over her face and up her nose, crying and trying to climb out of her high chair.
We washed her off and gave her a bowl of strawberry ice cream, and then she was happy again. She's like her mom, much more of an ice cream than cake girl :)

Cheesing it for the camera

Miya's first doll--she picked this out at the store and I wasn't sure if she really liked the doll or just the plastic box it came in. After she opened the box, I was relieved to see that it really was the doll she liked. She is so sweet and gives her baby hugs. We love you Miya!


Emily and Seth said...

We love you Miya! Happy Birthday! Great pics. - Keep up the great posts Lani!

Angela said...

She's so cute!

Stacey said...

She is such a cute girl, and you look great too! Those pictures with her in the cake are just fun.

Holly said...

What a cutie!

Holly said...

I have to tell you tonight that Hannah sounded like she was speaking Italian when she saw this post open up. She exclaimed, "Oh Miiiiyaaa!"