Sunday, January 9, 2011

Polar Dash

I ran a 5K on New Years Day in 7 degree weather (-15 with the wind chill). It was awesome! I was so terrified I'd be cold i wore too many layers and was "sweatin' hot" (a phrase Shayla coined and is commonly used in our house during the summer). I was afraid my feet would freeze so I put those hand-warmer packs on top of my toes between two layers of socks and it worked like a charm!

I love the race-day excitement and it's fun to be with so many other crazy people running in the cold. My goal time was 27 minutes, and I barely squeaked in at 26:51. I was so glad I made it! And they had great finishers medals to boot, so all in all it was a great way to start the new year!

Just a cute photo of the kids. I was trying to get a good one of them after church in their cute clothes, and this was the best I could do. Yes, I'm a budding photographer :)


Angela said...

Lani I think you really are super woman! WOw! Devan and were talking about how crazy thas was and Devan said but you know if we lived by them we would have been out there running it with you. It's true too bad be don't live closer!

lani said...

Yes, you and Devan would have run this for sure! Tyler wanted to run it, too, but after doing our last race together we decided we better trade off and take turns watching the kids. I think we had to ask 4 different families to help us babysit :) Can't wait for the Hack the Back!

Emily said...

You are all so cute! Congrats on the race speedy!

The Wilsons said...

You. Are. Amazing.

McKell H. Costa said...

Awesome job! I would have been so worried about the cold I love running but I hate being cold! The pic of your kids is so cute! I can't even get one of Mikey, they just don't sit still.:)

Holly said...

Wow that's fast! And cold! You are amazing Lani! These pics of the kids are so cute too. We miss you so much!