Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we invited two couples over to enjoy the festivities with us. We did our traditional reenactment of the Nativity with a complete cast this year, plus camera crew. It was great!

As usual, Santa dropped off a surprise package on the doorstep of PJ's for the kids. No one was more shocked than myself when we heard a knock on the door, ran to get it to find Santa himself in the driveway waving at us. This created quite a stir, with Shayla saying, "That can't be the real Santa--he wouldn't let us see him if it was! Who WAS that?!!" The next day the kids found Santa's hat out on the driveway, with his glasses tucked inside. They were pretty worried about it until we reassured them that Santa probably has a few back-up pair of both. It made for an exciting night!

The excitement was palpable! The four oldest "slept" together in one room. I don't know how much actual sleeping took place, but they sure had fun.

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