Friday, January 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Waiting at the top of the stairs to come down to the tree

Miya, too.
The kids had an exercise in patience as we forgot to download the old video off the camcorder to make room for the new, so they had to wait 30 minutes while we did that. We were not popular parents first thing Christmas morning!
Miya's new hairbow

Miya is such a daddy's girl--she always backs into his lap whenever he is sitting down.
I love it!

Shayla and her new jewelry

A football like the pros use was his request

Grant's bowling set

I love this one!

Miya got a toothbrush in her stocking. Now maybe she will stop stealing everyone elses. She loves to suck on it and carries it with her throughout the house. Maybe we've got a future dentist on our hands...

Stocking stuff

Shayla stocking

Look at that face! This kid is intense about his gum!!!

Come to think of it, we all love gum around here

It was a wonderful Christmas day, complete with fun family time playing with new toys, good food and a sledding trip with friends.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
And here's to catching up the blog so I can start blogging about the current events and be a bit more consistent!


Angela said...

Ahhhh Christmas!

. said...

Cute! Looks like you've got a bit of a blondie on your hands! How does that happen?