Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grapefruit Season

My kids LOVE grapefruit. They ask for it every meal and can't get enough of it. Except for Ty and Miya. Ty thinks it tastes like poison--don't ask me how he knows what poison tastes like. Today he said he couldn't even eat a grapefruit for a million dollars. Wow--I could eat just about anything for a million dollars.
Shayla and Miya after church today

Ty is a good big brother and helps get all the juice, even if he does hate the fruit

Yum, Shayla!

Miya's newest trick--trying to climb out of her high chair.
So, not that I have any new years resolutions about blogging, but hopefully I'll be a bit more regular about it. If anyone is still out there reading :)
Enjoy your grapefruit while it lasts!


Nettypg said...

I still read! I love hearing what is going on!
Annette Burke

Linda said...

I read your blog all the time, I love hearing how your family is growing and the joys and challenges you face. Keep it up girl, you are a great mom.

Shawny said...

Your kids are adorable as ever. It was fun to see you while you were here.

lani said...

Thanks for letting me know you are reading! Love to you all,

Emily said...

So glad to hear from you, it always gives me a big smile.

The Wilsons said...

Love your blog! Of course I still read!!!

Margaret said...

What cute kids, and we agree, grapefruit is great, would eat it every day also. Keep up the blog, love to see the updates on your family.