Friday, July 9, 2010

terrible horrible no good day

Yesterday we were playing out back when Grant got attacked by a wasp, and then it turned and started stinging Garrett, too. Grant ended up with just 1 sting, but Garrett got 4--two first and then two later in the day when he bravely visited the site of the earlier incident. Notice his puffy lip and right eye. Poor kid. He was so brave about it too (after the initial blood-curdling screaming, of course). Tyler and Ty went on a wasp hunt and found and destroyed the nest with about a can and a half of wasp poison later that day. Hopefully that is our last wasp incident of the year.

On a lighter note, we have been enjoying all of the fresh fruit of the season. Raspberry, blackberry and strawberry picking and lots of fresh melons from the store. We were having honeydew with dinner and Grant said, "Please pass the honeydude, Dad!"


Kristina Magleby said...

That is so cute! About the melon not cute what happened to Grant and Garrett what terrible wasps!!!! We missed you for the 4th it was a lot of fun we have a couple of stars in our family. Are you going for Thanksgiving or Christmas? We want to go when you guys go let us know and we'll make plans.

Angela said...

Wow that looks like a nasty sting. Glad the nest was destroyed!

Holly said...

Oh those wasps are just horrible and relentless! I hope they are feeling better. I would have loved hearing Grants little voice saying, "honeydude!" What a cute dude!