Friday, July 9, 2010

attempted photo shoot

I thought I would take some photos of the kids for Father's Day.

What was I thinking? Getting 5 kids to all look and smile at the same time proved nearly impossible. The last one is my best...i think.

Notice Garrett's face. He wanted to hold Miya and refused to smile without her.

Now notice Ty's face. Now look at Garrett's. Oh, and how about Miya's happy face.

I wanted to cry, too.

It didn't help that Miya was tired and hungry.
Train wreck

Almost all of them are looking at the camera...notice Miya pulling Shayla's hair

Shayla was crying a milisecond after this shot.

They are all kind of smiling, and almost all looking.



MHB said...

So cute and it's a lot more fun with sad and funny faces! Wait until they get old and then pull the funniest ones out to share...

Angela said...

So cute even if they aren't all smiling and looking at the camara.

Holly said...

These are so cute! I can somewhat sympathize. Once I did a valentine shoot with my three when Hannah was a baby and she cried in every picture. I took them anyway and now I am so glad to have them. We love you guys!

Stacey said...

You have such adorable children. I think most if not all moms of multiple children can relate to your problem. Such a difficult task to get everyone to look happy and watch the same spot at the same time. They are fun memories though, after they have passed.

Emily and Seth said...

Hooray! Lani, I love it when you blog. The kids are getting sooo big! Ty must be so tall now. I love all the pics. I love those kids!

Emily said...

I think these are fabulous results, they are so cute no matter what...and I love your commentary.