Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ask a question...

Driving home from church today I asked the kids what they learned about. All of them piped up with what they learned and I got a kick out of their responses:

Ty: I learned about Elijah
Shayla: I learned about the 5 loaves and 2 fishes
Garrett: I learned about sharing
Grant: I learned about coloring!!!!


Emily and Seth said...

Awesome! I taught my primary class about sharing and the miracle of Christ feeding the 5,000 from 5 loaves and 2 fishes this Sunday as well! But then at the end, I taught them more about sharing by sharing some fruit salad with each of them. I hope that some of them would remember the sharing part instead of "I learned about fruit salad today!" We can only hope for the best.

Angela said...

I like that they actually answer. Kyra always says, "I don't know."

Holly said...

This made me chuckle! Can I share it in my leadership training meeting? so cute!!!