Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Miya's blessing day

Miya's blessing day

We blessed Miya at home on Sunday, Dec. 6th.
It was special to have just a few good friends and my Mom there.

Kevin, Tyler and Jesse performed the ordinance

Admiring their new sister

Miya was done with pictures by this point

My Mom and Grandma J. made this blessing dress when my sister was born.
All of the granddaughters on my side have been blessed in this dress.

I couldn't resist taking some naked baby pictures.

Miya's favorite pasttime.

Doing what she does best :)
Miya (pronounced Mee-ya) is a Japanese name meaning "temple" or "increasingly beautiful."
We had such a hard time naming her, but felt like Miya just fit her perfectly.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the name even more now that I know what it means! How neat! She is adorable in every way- she is definitely a Hacking!

Angela said...

She's beautiful. So glad you blessed her at home. I saw the post title and thought no she is so young and Wisconson so cold. What a beautiful family, 5 kids wow!

Holly said...

What a beautiful sweet girl! What a beautiful family! Seriously, your pictures just warm my heart!

Angie said...

What a wonderful event...Miya looks so peaceful and loved. Wish we could have been there to share in the happiness. Glad you posted the pictures. :)

Laura Hyde said...

Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful! I am so grateful for the blogging world so that I can actually see what is happening in your life! Seven people in your family now! That blows my mind! You are wonder woman! I couldn't do it, but I am so jealous of you that you are doing it! I wish you lived closer, if I could have my kids grow up with your kids I would feel so lucky. They are the best kids I know. Seriously.

Congratulations! Merry Christmas!