Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More on Miya...

Finally more pictures. Life has been pretty crazy with 5 kids, but we are alive and here are the photos to prove it :)

A little Daddy-daughter time

The kiddos with Grandma

The whole family--I can't believe there are 7 of us!

Grant held Miya for a millisecond and luckily I got a photo of it

My Mom and Miya. It was SO wonderful to have my mom with us for 2 weeks. I wanted to cry when she had to leave. Come back soon and visit, Mom!

Garrett LOVES his little Miya

Sisters! Shayla couldn't be more pleased
(well, she did say she wished Miya were 6 years old like her so they could play :)

Big brother Ty--such a good oldest son

Taking Miya home

Garrett loves to lay on the floor next to Miya and snuggle

We got home from the hospital on Wednesday, and got a phone call an hour later from the school nurse. Shayla broke her arm when she fell off of the zip line at recess.
When it rains, it pours :)

1 comment:

Angie said...

I just stared at all these pictures. THey are beautiful! My favorite is Ty holding Miya -- he has such a protective posture and expression. Love you all!