Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Miya Leilani Hacking!

She was born at 1:53pm on Monday November 30th, 2009

and weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 1/2" long.

We are loving our little Miya and are so thankful she is healthy and strong and here!

I'll try and post more pictures and details tomorrow.


Natalie said...

hurrah - such good news!

The Wilsons said...

Oh, congratulations!!!! She is ADORABLE. You have such a beautiful family.

I'm glad to hear that she is healthy and well and that all are adjusting. I hope you are feeling well and getting at least some rest! Best wishes!!

Anonymous said...

She looks just like you, Leilani! Gorgeous! Congrats!

Emily said...

She is so pretty! So glad she's here!

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

Parabéns!!!!! linda!!!! que grande natal para vós este anoo!!!!

Shawny said...

She's gorgeous just like your other kids! Congrats! I'm sure you've heard by now but Angie and I are in the same ward. It's such a small world!

Seth Jenson said...

Congrats!!!! She's a beauty.

Megan Jenson said...

Oh my goodness! She is so sweet and tiny! Congratulations!!!

Our Family said...

Congrats! Can't wait to hold her. How are you feeling?

Naihe Family said...

OMG!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations on you newest addition to your beautiful family!!! I just want to kiss her all up she is soooo dang cute!

Angie said...

Love you Miya!

Angela said...

So cute. I think she looks like Ty.

Holly said...

It's so fun to see all the kids with their new sister! You can just feel the excitement! We are so so happy for all of you!

Danielle and Derek said...

Miya is precious - what a beautiful early Christmas present! I hope you are feeling well and getting some rest, Leilani.