Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jump, Grant, Jump!

The kids are thoroughly enjoying the trampoline Santa brought them for Christmas.
Even Grant has learned how to jump.


The Wilsons said...

Super cute!

McKell H. Costa said...

Your kids are darling! Is Grant wearing a Brasil jersey? it is super cute! Hope you are all doing well!

lani said...

Yes, it's one of my favorites--Ronaldinho. Grant and Annette brought it back from Brazil after a trip there. I think it started out Garrett's and Grant is now enjoying it.

Angela said...

That is just too cute! still chuckling...

kathy thomas said...

I googled "Oh Boy Iv'e got Joy" to see if I could locate a CD of the Wendy Murdock family singing those songs my children grew up with and your Blog came up..so cute!! Do you have any info on that CD?

thack said...

The Joy School website is valuesparenting.com I think you can order the CD's, or download the music from the website. Hope that helps and good luck!

Holly said...

How cute is this video! The trampoline looks like so much fun!