Thursday, May 28, 2009

Garrett's graduation

Oh, boy...I've got joy, I do, do you?
That song is so stuck in my head! Any of you who have done Joy School know exactly what I'm talking about! But it's a small price to pay for the great experience it has been this year doing Joy School with Garrett and his buddies. (notice the 2nd boy from the left--nice.)

Garrett was so proud today at his graduation. He is such a fun, sweet, enthusiastic kid and we sure are proud of him, too.

One more year of preschool, then off to Kindergarten! It couldn't be soon enough for him, but as his mom, I want to soak up this last year of having him all to myself.
(G. eating his graduation cap treat)

Future Joy Boys


Emily said...

This time of year makes me so emotional. I got all weepy when Dallin got on the kindergarten bus yesterday because he's getting so big! Love that they are growing so well, but just wish I could bottle up some of their littleness before it's gone.

The Grant Family said...

Is that Dane digging for a winner? He's up there pretty far, hope he doesn't injure something. he he

Holly said...

That's so great that you guys did Joy School. Way to go Garrett! He looks so adorable! They just grow up so fast.

lani said...

Jill--Yep, that's Dane. A very proud moment for Star :) (but it could just have easily been any of the others :)

Angela said...

SO fun. So we do a co-op preschool too but don't pay for the Joy School curriculam , do you recommend that?