Monday, May 25, 2009

Garrett's Fire Field Trip

Garrett's Joy school group went to the fire station--we had a blast!

Garrett in fire-gear

Yes, six boys. No girls.

Grant and his buddy Shawn.

My favorite part--shooting the fire hose. Everyone got a turn--mom's included.
I was giddy like a little kid--love it!


Emily said...

Wow, you guys have had a ton of fun stuff lately! I love it when the weather breaks above the freezing point and life begins again!

lani said...

Yeah, I'm loving the warmer weather. But I'm such a slacker at posting--I just got ambitious one day and blogged everything that has been happening over the last couple of months :) It just looks like it all happened in a week.

Angela said...

Jealous, when we toured the fire station we didn't get to shoot the hose!

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

eh eh eh grande cena...vejo que todos se divertem e temos futuros bombeiros!

Holly said...

Ok I love this picture in the fireman suit. We love the one of you too. You are such a fun mom!