Saturday, March 21, 2009


A few weeks ago I traveled out to Utah with Grant for my brother Jacob's mission farewell. He will be attending the MTC in England (Preston, I believe) and then serve in the England Manchester Mission.

I got to see all of my siblings, Mom, Grandparents Johnson and lots of extended family, and send Jacob off in style. He gave a great talk about faith and goal setting, and I was so proud of him. I remember when we were kids how he would recap every detail of what we read about after family scripture study. He really knows the scriptures and that knowledge will serve him well on his mission. He knows that all things are possible with faith in Jesus Christ, and he will work hard and give it his all. He will be a great missionary.

We had fun reminiscing, playing Scum and other games, storming the Nickelcade, and even tried to pull an all-nighter. (I suffered a week of brain-deadness for that one). The highlight was going to the temple together and doing work for our ancestors on the Wagner side. It was a surreal experience, and made me so grateful for the gospel, eternal families and what will come after this life. It was a wonderful trip and I'm so grateful to Tyler for making it possible.

Nickelcade--arcade that takes nickels.
We traded in all of our tickets for fruity tooties--Sweet!

Grant walking to church with Uncle Ricky.

The adorable Magleby family walking to church

Grant and I had a lot of together time--a fun treat

Grant adores his Uncle Jacob--this was them doing "air running", invented by Felicity
we love you, we'll miss you, we couldn't be prouder!

Now for the second set of missionaries in the family: J. Grant and Annette Hacking will begin their mission to the Columbia Bogota North Mission in July 2009 as the new Mission President and Hermana Patrona. They are excited and soaking up enough sun in the Dominican Republic and family time to last them for three years. They have prepared all of their lives for this mission and are so well-suited to serve the people in Columbia. Their love for the Latin people and culture runs deep and they have many eternal friends in Santiago, Chile, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic (and Argentina, I'm sure).

We plan to be faithful letter writers and make good use of our webcam. We love you, we will miss you, and we couldn't be prouder of you. The example you set for us and for your grandkids is immeasureable.


Angela said...

How nice that you got to be there with all your siblings!

The Grant Family said...

Jay's nephew just left for the MTC to the columbia mission. I'll have to check to see if it's the same mission. That would be soooo cool!

Seth Jenson said...

I LOVE both of your families!!!! So proud of all the new missionaries. Grant and Annette look regal. I wish they would do a blog or something so I could hear all about their mission but I'm sure Annette will send out emails from time to time. At least I hope so!

Natalie said...

Congrats to your brother and Tyler's parents! I can tell it's been too long since we've seen eachother because your hair is so long now. :)

Thomas Clan said...

Our son, Kendall, just received his call to serve in the Columbia Bogota North Mission. We were doing and internet search and found this page. We are really excited for him to serve!!