Sunday, March 9, 2008

Birthday Traditions

Since this is our birthday season (three birthdays in less than a month and a half) I thought that I would share some of our birthday traditions. We would love to hear some of your traditions as well.

1) The day starts off with breakfast in bed! Usually a healthy serving of German Pancakes, but you may also find crepes, breakfast sandwiches, cinnamon rolls, etc.

2) The birthday honoree gets to choose the activity for the day: Shayla watched princess movies with popcorn, Garrett wanted to swim at the YMCA, and Ty wanted to take us all on in a game of basketball.

3) Dinner is chosen by the birthday boy or girl (Shayla and Garrett both went for taco salad, while Ty had sweet and sour chicken and pineapple), accompanied by each in the family taking turns telling why we love the birthday member.

4) At last it is present time, where our recent tradition is to hide all of the presents, to make it a little more challenging to find them (we have learned to keep a log of where the presents are hidden).

5) Finally to end the day, of course, birthday cake! I had to put the picture of when Shayla turned one as it is still one of my favorites!

With Shayla's birthday in January, Garrett's in February, and Ty's in March, you can see that this is a busy time of year for us! Luckily Grant's birthday is not until August, but we decided to get him excited about it anyway! So what are your favorite birthday traditions?

*Posted by Tyler


Natalie said...

Loved this post, Lani! Ty has great form - look at that shot. Loved Shayla's face in her one year old pic! Laughed out loud when you mentioned that you learned to keep a log of where you hide the presents. These traditions look so fun. Looks like your early spring is just like our late summer in terms of birthdays!

Angie said...

By the do you make your pineapple chicken? Reading about it made me remember how good it was! If you get a minute just post it on my blog! :) I love your traditions...what's Grant going to choose? Will you let each of the kids pick 1 thing for him? If he gets breakfast in bed...that might have some benefits for you!

Danielle and Derek said...

These are all great birthday traditions! It's so much fun to check your blog. Love your family!

Natalie said...

the photo of Shayla and the cake is one of our all-time favorites, too!

Seth Jenson said...

nice birthday traditions! i like the part about picking the activity that you all get to share together as a family. meg and i don't have kids yet, of course, or much in the way of traditions. but, for the birthdays we've shared for each other we've cooked fancy breakfasts and dinners for each other. birthdays and holidays are a lot of fun when you make the extra effort.

AmyJo said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I am so glad you started one, I am excited to keep in better touch with you guys :)
Some of our birthday traditions are birthday breakfast (I think you idea of having it in bed sounds great! I might steal it), dinner of their choice, homemade cake of their chosen design and homemade ice cream. I also think you have a great idea to choose an activity they like to do together! What fun! I must also mention that we put up the video clip of Maliya getting her first birthday kiss from Ty on our blog last year, you will have to go check it out :) If you look under Video Clips and go back to the beginning of our blog, you should find it :)

Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

Abby's birthday was this month and I threw her first real party. s for traditions, we're boring... we decorate the night before after she goes to bed and the next day. Also the birthday girl (or boy) gets to choose that days' menu. I loved your traditions and that picture of Shayla was precious!

Steph said...

Cutest pictures EVER! Great traditions, I like the hiding of the gifts... I love the expression on Shayla's face with her first cake! Priceless.
One of ours is... We wake the kids up with a candle and small cake on their birthday morning. They have cake in bed (not as healthy as your tradition for sure!!)