Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Calling all visitors...

My brother, Ricky, came to visit over President's Day weekend, and we so enjoyed having him here. He didn't even mind that it was cold, although he did mention SEVERAL times that he could never live here. And that was a warm weekend :)

We enjoyed racing around the house (Ty beat me, and will NEVER let me live it down),

hiking to Willow River Falls,

having a snowball fight, swimming at the Y, and hanging out together.

Thanks for the great visit, Ricky! We love you!

And, here is an open invitation to any and all who can visit--we would love to have you come! (FYI-our airport code is MSP). And thanks for your great comments on my blog--
I love hearing from you!


Angie said...

Looks like fun! Wish we could have been there!

Seth Jenson said...

wish we could come visit!

Anonymous said...

Leilani! I found your link on Seth's blog! How fun to see your kids! Looks like you guys are doing well.
