Sunday, June 5, 2011


This post is for all of you stay-at-home moms out there. Actually for moms in general, too.

I've been thinking a lot lately about being a stay-at-home mom, and how difficult it is to feel valued in the world's eyes. And that's okay, I don't think I need a medal to keep trying to be the best mom I can be, but wouldn't hurt :) Who doesn't like to receive sincere praise and feel that what we do is valued and important? Who doesn't enjoy getting a great performance review, a promotion, a raise or a compliment on a job well done? We all do--at least I do. Or i can imagine I would--I haven't had a full-time (paid) job since I was 24, so it has been a good 10 years. I am truly grateful for Tyler and his support and appreciation of my stay-at-home-mom-hood. He lets me know in countless ways that he values what I do for our family and supports me. I am truly blessed.

Miya has a little habit that touches my heart and give me my good performance review that I need. Sometimes when I give her a hug she snuggles in, nestles her face in my neck and reaches her little hand around me and gently pats my back. It is the sweetest gesture. It is as if she is saying thanks for being my mom, for being there for me. Everytime she does it I think to myself, that is the pat on the back that I needed. And I savor the moment.

That is the challenge of the stay-at-home-mom--to find those little moments that give you a pat on the back and savor them. Freeze frame them and reflect on them again and again on the tough days and moments. So that when the world looks down on what we do and thinks we don't have any ambition, or that we aren't smart enough to get a "real" job or that we are wasting our best years, we can get out our golden moments and bask in them. Each day I marvel at how fast my kids are growing up, and try to remind myself not to wish away the little moments, the sticky fingers to wash, noses to wipe, books to read, conversations at bedtime, contagious pure delight little kid laughter, and boo-boos to kiss better. They grow up so fast. I want to soak them all up so I can remember them little forever.

I wanted to put a quote from my mom that really made me think. She wrote this in her weekly e-mail after she had watched our kids for a week--I had meant to post this entry around mother's day, but I'm a bit behind.

"As I was in Wisconsin working on managing the Hacking household, I wondered who sings the praises of the quiet, hard-working mothers and fathers striving everyday to raise righteous families. That is why it is so important to keep yourself close to the Lord by keeping his commandments. It gives you the strength to do the simple things that matter the most. Having the quiet assurance inside your soul, that you are doing what is right, is what carries you along each day. You don’t need the praise of men, because you have the approval of God! I can’t imagine how anyone can raise a family today with all the evil that is so blatant. I’m so grateful for the gospel that can guide us as we raise our children. It gives me hope and peace because I know that, with the Lord all good things are possible."

Enjoy and savor your little moments each day--you are building the future one day at a time. Happy Mother's Day to you all!


Emily said...

Thank you so much for this. You always know just what to say and how to say it. I think of you as an example of fabulous motherhood and often find myself thinking, "What would Leilani do in this situation?" because you handle every moment with perspective, calmness and love. Thank you.

Angela said...

Thanks lani!

The Wilsons said...

This is wonderful--thank you!

Holly said...

I loved reading this! You are so wonderful Leilani! I absolutely loved what your mom had to share as well. So true!

Linda said...

Lani, Your mother is a very wise women. I know that she took such great pride in being a stay at home mother with all of you. You are doing the greatest job of all, the most important one you will ever have. My mother always encouraged me to enjoy those moments you talk about, I wish I had done it a little more because now they are behind me in life. Thank you for loving your children and making the world a better place. You rock girl!

Stacey said...

I love your posts and thoughts. Thanks for the upliftment. I needed that.