Tuesday, November 16, 2010

monster dash

Tyler did his first half marathon on October 30th, 2010. I didn't get any good running photos, but here are a few from after the race. It was a beautiful, crisp day, and he did fantastic!
He ran 13.1 miles in 1 hr 37 min.
I just call him speedy now.

I drove down to the race site with the kids to see Tyler at the midpoint of the race and at the finish line. Well, there were thousands in the race and it was chaos. I finally stopped to ask directions at a point where runners were passing by, and as luck would have it, Tyler ran by a few seconds later. I got to cheer him on for a brief moment and I was so glad to see him midrace!
Shortly after that I got our minivan wedged between a bus and oncoming traffic. Just when I thought all hope was lost I found a parking spot and then saw a friend bike right up to us and guide us in to the finish line.
Someone was definitely looking out for us.


Holly said...

Go Tyler! Very Speedy! Wow! I am so impressed! That's awesome!

Emily and Seth said...

Wow, great job Tyler! I would call you speedy too.

Angela said...

Yeah Tyler! Lani you are super Mom! I needed my mother-in-laws assistance for just two kids at just the finsh line for Devan's race.

Seth Jenson said...

Go Hack daddy!!